Mono, Micro, Meso and Macro

missing_custom_puzzle_completionSystems are made up of inter-dependent parts. And each part is a smaller system made up of inter-dependent parts. And so on.

But there is a limit … eventually we reach a size where we only have a small number of independent parts … and that is called a micro-system.

It is part of a meso-system which in turn is part of a macro-system.

And it appears that in human systems the manageable size of a micro-system is about seven people – enough to sit around a table and work together on a problem.

So the engine of organisational improvement is many micro-systems of about seven people who are able to solve the problems that fall within their collective circles of control.

And that means the vast majority of problems are solvable at the micro-system level.

In fact, without this foundation level of competent and collaborative micro-teams, the meso-systems and the macro-systems cannot get a grip on the slippery problem of systemic change for the better.

The macro-system is also critical to success because it has the strategic view and it sets the vision and values to which every other part of the system aligns.  A dysfunctional macro-system sends cracks down through the whole organisation … fragmenting it into antagonistic, competiting silos.

The meso-system level is equally critical to success because it translates the strategy into tactics and creates the context for the multitude of micro-systems to engage.

The meso-system is the nervous system of the organisation … the informal communication network that feeds data and decisions around.

And if the meso-system is dysfunctional then the organisation can see, feel and move … but it is uncoordinated, chaotic, inefficient, ineffective and largely unproductive.

So the three levels are different, essential and inter-dependent.

The long term viability of a complex adaptive system is the emergent effect of a system design that is effective and efficient. Productive. Collaborative. Synergistic.

And achieving that is not easy … but it is possible.

And for each of us it starts with just us … Mono. 

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