Are there Three Languages?

When we are in “heated agreement” with each other it feels like we are talking different languages and this is a sign that we need to explore further and deeper. With patience and persistence we realise they are just dialects of the same language. Our challenge now is to learn to speak clearly in one language at a time and in the same language as the person(s) we are communicating with. Improvement Science has three primary languages – the language of quality (100% qualitative) , the language of money (100% quantitative) and the language of time (100% qualitative or quantitative depending on our perspective).  Learning to speak all three languages fluently – dreams are painted in the language of quality, processes are described in the language of time, and survival is a story told in the language of money which is the universal currency that we exchange for our physical needs (water, food, warmth, shelter, security, etc).

The engagement is emotional – through the subjective language of quality – and once engaged we have to master the flow of time in order to influence the flow of money. Our higher purpose is necessary but it is not sufficient – it is our actions that converts our passion into reality – and uncoordinated or badly designed action just dissipates passion and leads to exhaustion, disappointment and cynicism.

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