What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

One of the scariest feelings I experience is when I am asked “What should we do?” or “What would you do?” and there is an expectation that I should know what to do … and I don’t.

Do I say “I don’t know” or do I play for time and spout some b*****t and hope my lack of knowledge is not exposed?

Reflecting on this uncomfortable, and oft repeated, experience I am led to some questions:

1. Where does the expectation come from? The person asking, myself or both?

2. Where does the feeling of fear come from? What am I scared of? Who am I scared of?

Pondering these questions I have the fleeting impression that my fear comes from me.  I am afraid of disappointing myself.  It is me that I am scared of.

Then the impression is replaced by a conscious process of looking for evidence that proves that it can’t be me – it must be someone else making me feel scared – and to feel better I have to shift the blame from myself.

Oooooo … that’s a bit of an “Eureka” moment!

And now I have a new option. Choose to behave like of a victim of myself and shift the blame; or choose to address the problem – my deep fear of part of myself.

Phew!  I feel better already – I have a new opportunity to explore …

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